Alyson Greenhalgh-Ball
Global Nutrition Leader & Exc | Founder | Board Member | Sustainable Diets | Food | Strategy | Innovation & Renovation | Brands, Marketing & Communications | Food Systems | Public Health Nutrition
Vision & Value
Development of flagship report across member coalition and launch at Harvard Medical School
Development and delivery of health and wellbeing webinar for all employees
Board advisor; measuring, monitoring and evaluation of natural capital assets across the food sector
British Dietetic Association and KIND
Chaired Scientific roundtable to explore optimisation of UK food policy to increase the intake of recommended foods
Good Food For ALL
New campaign from the SDG2 advocacy hub with the bold ambition of doubling the global consumption of beans by 2028 over the next five years
British Nutrition Foundation
Vice-Chair of the board of trustees; recent responsibilities include appointment of new CEO, rebranding, strategy development